Oracle Java Cloud Service Article In Java Magazine

Oracle Java Cloud Article - java MagazineGetting Onboard Oracle Java Cloud Service” . My article about the Oracle Java Cloud Service in the latest Java Magazine issue (June 2016) .

My earlier Java Cloud articles in Java Magazine talked of what’s now known as the Oracle Java Cloud SaaS Extension. The newer ‘full’ Java Cloud Service has a lot more to offer.

Curiously, my bio in this article has missed out on mentioning my book on the Oracle Java Cloud 🙂

Interview About Java at JavaOne India, 2011

Embedded below is a video of a short interview I did with the Oracle Asia Pacific team at JavaOne India, which was held in Hyderabad in May 2011. I answered questions on Java today, Java Enterprise & Java for Cloud Computing.

I also presented a session “An independent, ‘ear to the ground’ report on Java” at the same conference. I will soon be posting an article based on that presentation at